Friday, June 26, 2009

Terminator 2: Judgement Day

I just watched this recently and even after all the years, it still is as enjoyable as it was when it came out! It is virtually flawless and deserves all the praise it gets. Normally I can find quite a few problems with movies but this one has pretty much none. I hate when people say a big action movie doesn't need a plot like the Transformer movies for example. T2 is proof that a movie can be full of action and have a really great plot at the same time. This movie also had a lot of special effects that haven't been shown at that time. All the performances from the actors were great. I had only a slight problem with Edward Furlong playing John Connor. I say slight problem because for the most part he did a good job but I felt he was just a little annoying but I don't believe that was all the actor's fault. It would have been great if the franchise ended there but after we had Terminator 3 and now Terminator Salvation lets hope that the movies get closer to the quality of this movie. Terminator 3 definately went downhill but I feel that Terminator Salvation has brought some hope that we can still get some good films out of the franchise. Anyway, I still feel that the first one and this one are the best films in this franchise but if you only get one then I would say to get this.

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  1. is timmy.

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