Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Terminator

I just watched this again tonight. I think it gets overlooked because most people say how great T2 was. But the first one is great too. I enjoy watching Arnold as the bad guy and it was more of a horror film than the other films. Some people might not think of Arnold as a great actor but for this role I do think he was perfectly cast. A machine doesn't need emotion and he didn't show any in that role. And of course he looked intimidating. I also liked Linda Hamilton and Michael Biehn as Sarah Connor and Kyle Reese. I think the music in the film also gave it a feeling of suspense. This is definately one of the top Terminator films and maybe just below T2 but way better than the others. But the fact that it was just humans against the machine, unlike the other films, there seemed to be more danger. And like I said, I like watching Arnold as the bad guy for a change.

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